Saturday, October 25, 2014

Harvest Season in WA.

Time for a bit of an update. We have mentioned we organised jobs with CBH ( Co-Operative Bulk Handling) here in WA. Well, the season is on the way and we are here in Arrino working at a grain receival site for a couple of months or how long the harvest season lasts.

We were a bit relieved to leave Grealton as both of us didn't like it much. I'm not a fan of the beach and the jobs we had there turned out to be caustic to our well being. My job at Bolts 'R' Us in Grealdton ended up in a shouting match between the owner, an 80 year old recalcitrant, and I ending in a walkout by me. He was a shit of a man to work for and belittled the staff in front of customers. Three of us were there, none now. Anyway........enough of the pricks in the world.

Trace and I are loving being in the bush again and CBH are a good mob to work for. Trace is doing grain sampling and I am a RPO (Receival Point Operator), receiving the wheat grain into the plant and storing it.

There is no phone reception ( sitting at the pub in Three Springs composing this ) and about 3 houses in Arrino along with the receival site. Doing without the internet is a good thing as we tend to have a bit of a reliance on the internet and SMS.

 This is what we are harvesting.

 Trace at her weigh bridge.

 We only have to drive up the road 8 Klm to get internet and make a phone call on the mobile.

Were having a good time working some good hours and are expected to ramp up to 12 hours a day, 6 days a week next week, good money. It's interesting to learn how the wheat farmers are doing their business and how the weather dictates the harvest season. As I sit writing this there are a couple of farmers talking at the pub about their crops and when and when not to harvest. Funny thing is, Trace and I know what they are talking about.

That's it for now. We have a couple of months of hard work up till Christmas and then we will be back on the road again, doing the south of WA.

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