Sunday, May 1, 2011

Living in The Alice for a bit.

Not as long as living in the Isa though!

I have started my job at Territory Jerky manufacturing beef jerky funnily enough!!! The job is OK albeit a little mundane but it's biding time until the Finke Desert Race and topping up the bank account. Tracey is finding her job at K-Mart a bit hard on the feet but is being a trooper and forging on. So with both of us working we are doing alright.

The jerky business is pretty simple, cut the beef with a machine, marinate the beef for 2 days, place on 7 foot high drying racks, dry at 77 degrees and smoke over night. All done! There are 4 people that cut the jerky into 25g bags on a little production line. I don't do that but do everything else with another guy. I work from 7:30am to 3:30pm. Like I said, a bit mundane but puts some coin in our pockets.

Tracey's job, as you could imagine, involves being on your feet all day rotating from the checkouts to the door and sometime in the little garden center they have here. She has been doing 10 hour days And some weekend work as well. She is certainly the biggest bread winner this time!

Alice Springs is a pretty nice place and heaps to see and do. The aboriginals pretty muck keep to themselves, having said that I have not been out at night as advised by the locals. Apparently that's when all the trouble happens. All up we are having a good stay.

Bye for now everyone.

Location:Larapinta Dr,Araluen,Australia

1 comment:

  1. Howdy folks. See if the guy at Territory Jerky would be interested in making Turkey Jerky. It has a great ring to it don't you think? And there's plenty of turkeys around as you know, I come across heaps driving cars on the road. Good to hear youse are having a great experience. Good to see Tracey workin hard as a woman should, keep the whip on her Pete. I'll have to check in here more often, look forward to the next instalment. Love the pic of the red cliff camping spot near Hermannsburg, on solid non-soft-sand ground too. Nice one.

    Love the Rush
