We left mount Isa yesterday morning and currently heading west to the Stuart Highway on the Barkley Highway. From there we will turn south toward Tennant Creek the Alice. the picture above is of the mines smelter stack in our rear vision mirror. :-)
There has been a fair bit of rain in the center of Australia and the last two days have been no different. The trip thus far has been wet and fairly cool, just below 30, on the road and there is a fair bit of water lying around (follow the hyperlink for a YouTube video of a section of the Barkley Highway).
We have done about 400 Klm in the last two days and are currently writing this from the Barkley Roadhouse as it's the only place with 3G for a while. on to a freecamp 50 Klm up the road and then onto The Three Ways. Tennant Creek is not far from there and the first attraction we will see is The Devils Marbles near Tennant Creek.
Will update soon........cya!!
I bet you will have a few more water crossings on your travels..