It's been a while since an update but there has not been much going on around here besides work and more work! We had a pretty quiet Christmas and New Year as we worked through them. We are both looking forward to getting back on the road at the end of March.
The weather here has been pretty hot and a lot drier than other areas of Queensland. The average temperature is 40 odd degrees and there is a bit of humidity since the wet season has started up north. The air conditioner in the van has copped a flogging of late! :-)
The above photo is a drilling rig that we delivered some concrete to. They are drilling a hole to the mine below and installing a vent to draw the stale air out of the mine. The vents are about 30 feet in diameter. We delivered some concrete slurry, water and cement powder, to the site as during the drilling process they hit a cavern. The drilling rig is unable to drill through these caverns so we go along and pour the slurry down the hole, wait for it to set and start drilling again.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year. All the best for the year to come.
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