Monday, February 11, 2013

Update Time!!!

Things are going swimmingly here in the Alice. Haven't been up to much, just a bit of work. Did a small loop out to Owen Springs the other weekend and had a good time. It's been a bit hot lately to go camping but once it cools down we will get out a bit more.

We have decided to take an overseas holiday at the end of the year to the North of Thailand, Cambodia or such. Then in June next year we are planning on going to the north of Queensland to do the cape. So there is a bit on the horizon for us.

Now for a bit of Alice culture.......the way you address anyone out here at the moment is to use the word "Bruz" as in "Hey Bruz how ya goin?". I don't like it and refuse to use it.

That's about it for now, oh BTW had some camel burgers the other night, home made, and they were delicious. We can get all types at the local butcher here. Camel, roo tails, roo pepperoni, crock meat, emu mince etc. It's cool to try all the different meats, the overwhelming thing is that they are all very lean.