We had a fabulous time on the GRR and are very glad we did it. Some of the things we learnt on the road were that heaps of people go on that road terribly under prepared with their cars. There were cars on the road with normal road tyres on them and wondered why all their tyres were ripped up. Most people carry too much speed on the road, a combination of corrugations and speed is not a good recipe. We saw a rollover, probably due to speed. Lower tyre pressures and lower your speed, anyone that tours this country on the dirt road know that, not all apparently. We did one tyre and that was a chance shard of stone slicing the caravans rear LH tyre. All in all a great experience and some lovely landscapes and waterfalls to see.
We are in Broome at the moment after hitting Derby for an overnight stay. Derby was not to exciting, all that is there is a big wharf and a small township. Still, good to get into a bit of civilization and catch up with all the news. After doing a shop in Derby we headed for Broome, about 200k away and to the west. Well.........what a fantastic place. It has the feel of a sunshine coast or Cairns. There are a lot of people in town at the moment but that will change within the month as all the old people leave due to the weather getting a bit hotter. We had to stay 30K out of town then go in early one morning to line up for a spot as the town is totally booked out.
We have decided to stay and I have a job driving freight trucks around the joint. Tracey will have a job in the next couple of days no doubt, a bit different this time as its always Tracey getting the jobs first. Our caravan park, Roebuck Bay Caravan Park, is right on the water edge. Apparently the site we are in is evacuated during the wet and we are moved to higher ground, we will see.
Picture of Cable Beach the other day.